Thursday, November 27, 2014

Flying Gliders - #7 Couswell Lightning

It has been a while since I have updated the blog.  I certainly have collected quite a few interesting gliders since the last update and I should really get updating the blog more often because I enjoy it a lot.

I found what I thought would be the "holy grail" of gliders as Eric put it.  I found someone selling 2 of the #7 Couswell Lightning gliders on Ebay along with a whole bunch of other gliders. I bought them all just so I could get the #7 Couswell Lightning.  Check it out...

The front of the package looks exactly like the Shen Shin #7 Lockheed or Lightning does.
Flying Gliders - #7 Couswell Lightning
The back of the package is interesting because it says "Made in Taiwan, The Republic of China" as opposed to "Made in Taiwan" like many of the older gliders do.

And here are the contents....  It looks like a Japanese Spitfire coated with rainbows.  Not exactly glider that I was hoping for.
Flying Gliders - #7 Couswell Lightning
This is what I was hoping for... but didn't get.  The hunt for the real one goes on.


  1. Close enough is all I can say there, I too am trying to find her still. but the Ki-61 is really a hard glider to find. I mean take it from me (P.S This is Eric) the Lightning is really a shoot in the dark Glider. But at least you keep trying, I lost interest in the gliders after none came up on Ebay...

    1. Hi Eric! Good to see you stopped by. I haven't been so active with gliders lately either as life has been busy (new baby back in August 2014). I haven't seen much on E-bay either when I have checked, although I did actually find an actual Ki-61 glider. I will make a post of it later tonight so that you can see what I have bought.
